School Charity

Raised $0
Goal unlimited

Sponsor by providing school supplies

KKM runs affordable schools for the most marginalized section of the community. We have over 4000 students studying in our government aided school. Some of these children are covered
Raised $0
Goal unlimited

Nutritious mid-day meal

Mid-day meal is widely accepted as a critical input for psycho-social and physical health especially for students belonging to marginalized backgrounds. Unfortunately this scheme does not extend to non-government schools
Raised $0
Goal unlimited

Take a student to the library

Libraries are important for developing students as independent learners who are creative, imaginative, critical thinkers, able to articulate puruse their questions and understand the world better. In our schools we
Raised $0
Goal unlimited

Help Educate a Child

KKM runs affordable schools for the most marginalized section of the community. We have over 650 children studying in our pre-primary schools. Some of these children are covered by few donors but